The use of fog lights needs to be done at the right time. It not only helps to combat the reduced visibility but also eliminates the chances of dangers for other drivers. Use of these lights at the right time of driving promotes safe driving, whereas using them at the wrong time can cause you breaking the law and making other drivers vulnerable to risks. So, read on this blog to know when it is safe to use the fog lights.
Fog Light Symbol: The fog light option is found on a button on your vehicle’s dashboard or steering wheel stalk or next to the dial that you use to control the regular lights. On that button, you will see front fog light and rear fog light option. You can go through your vehicle’s logbook or your instructor from a driving school in Ryde can help you to track them down and use them in a proper situation.
When Should You Use Fog Light of Your Car?
Fog lights can only be used when the density of fog drops the visibility within 100 meters, which you can measure as a length of a football pitch. Upon not using your fog light when it is needed, it not only impacts the safety on the road but also could invalidate your license. However, it is advised not to keep them switch-on and off frequently, as it can confuse other drivers.
How to Check Your Lights and Bulbs?
During the Autumn and winter season, there are enough chances of fog to be there on the road. To ensure your car is in the best running state, it is highly advised to check your car lights whether they are working or not. Even, make sure you can operate your fog light properly, and do not confuse them with other high/low beam settings.
What About Day-Time Running Lights During the Foggy Weather?
If your car has automatic lights those get activated with low beam, then remember to check if the lights are on, as it may not get activated in the foggy condition. Even, vehicles which have day time running light on, drivers must ensure that those vehicles also have illuminating front lights.
Lastly, you must know all car should be fitted with rear fog lights, as there is a legal requirement. Plus, many vehicles have both the front and rear fog light, which will work independently of the headlights.
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