Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Learn to Tame a Traffic Circle By Grasping Expert Driving Skills

As traffic circles are cropping up almost each and everywhere, drivers need to be highly careful while driving. At a driving school, you will get to learn some fantastic ways of taming a traffic circle with high expertise.

Driving School Training You to Tame Traffic Circles

On your way to drive towards the office, you may come across traffic circles. If you are familiar to rules of rotary, then it is alright. Else, you need to face lots and lots of problems. A little bit of inattentiveness may result in havoc.

Approaching a traffic circle requires great attention and care. Getting enrolled in a reliable driving school in Wetherill Park will let you come across some clever tricks to tame the traffic circle in the best possible manner. 

Smart Tips to Tame a Traffic Circle 

What are traffic circles in actual? They are highly proven ways to move traffic all around. They have replaced signalled intersections in some places as well. 

As a driver, you must be desirous to drive all along the roadway safely and securely. Below are some smart tips that must be followed to tame a traffic circle smoothly and carefully:

1. Yielding of the car within a circle - Approaching a traffic circle requires expert driving skills. Is your car outside the circle? Then yielding to those within the circle will be the right pick. 

2. Moving continuously till you reach the exit point - After you get inside the circle, you must go on moving steadily. You must continue with the movement until the exit point arrives. 

3. Signalling your intention - As you come nearby the exit point, it is time to be careful. It will be a good practice to signal your intention before taking an exit. At driving school in Ryde, you will be taught some exclusive shortcuts for signalling your intention. It will help in preventing accidents. 

4. Getting spread around - Spreading around will reduce waiting time at best. Both car drivers and motorists will be able to choose their movements independently. Along with the reduced time of waiting, it will help in preventing heart-rendering road accidents. 

The tips mentioned above will help you to tame a traffic circle safely. On successful completion of your driving course from a reputed driving school in Parramatta, driving across a traffic circle will seem to be a small piece of toast. Along with avoiding accidents, you will be able to enjoy a memorable driving experience. 

Driving across a traffic circle will become smooth after undergoing expert training under a reputed driving school. Once you can grasp traffic rules, you will stay far apart from accidents. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Hindrances of Starting a Career of a Driving Instructor

driving instructor melbourne

If you have always dreamt of being a driving instructor, it is a formidable decision that will earn you a handsome amount of money for living. The profession of a driving instructor is a lucrative one and is growing in terms of popularity.

More and more people who have a knack towards driving or who have a fascination of being at wheels of four-wheeled vehicles from reputed brands are aspiring to become a driving instructor in NSW. Indeed, you can always enrol yourself in a reputed driving school and undergo comprehensive training to crack the test to be a license holder and an authorised trainer.

But then, the real thing starts. Getting a licence and an authorised trainers' certificate is one thing, and being a real-time trainer is a different proposition altogether. Yes, with time, you learn the ways to overcome the challenges. However, to start with, you need to break the ice at first. Here are some of the challenges you face as you launch your career as a driving instructor.

The Jittery of Legs - the First Challenge to Overcome

Your legs are bound to be jumpy when you take the first assignment of your career. As the driving school in Wetherill Park that has hired you as a professional trainer appoints you to be the trainer of one Miss Cressida Jones, you are bound to sense butterfly in your stomach.

That is normal, and you need to overcome thing first hurdle, for there are steeper ones to come. If you are sceptical about your ability to give lessons, remember, Ms Jones is a starter. Whereas you already have a strong knowledge of driving.

Hence, you need to overcome your nervousness and help your trainee to overcome HER scepticism. Therefore, the first challenge is to overcome the jittery of your limbs and get on with the job you have been assigned for.

Tackling Various Kinds of Trainees

If you have overcome the first-day nervousness, that does not mean you have mastered all your woes. Instead, they have just begun. Throughout your career, you have to deal with various types of trainees.

There will be nervous trainees, there will be those who are finicky, and then there are stubborn blokes and some who are impatient, some would nag, and even some are flirtatious. You will come across short tampered people and some who will be timid.

Now, when it comes to dealing with all these people, you need to take up different approach routes. Here comes the challenge of reading people’s psychology and act accordingly. Well, it might not happen overnight, but you need to develop it from the moment you get employed by a driving school in Ryde as a professional driving instructor.

Once you have come in terms of these challenges and have found out ways of overcoming them, the rest will be a cakewalk!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Know When to Use 4 Specific Car Lights to Cope with Critical Road Conditions


Every vehicle is equipped with several different car lights, and each of them has different purposes. Some people may not even stay aware of each of them in detail, whereas experts recommend knowing these all to avoid any hazard from occurring. Find some common car light types and their purposes.

Hazard Warning Lights:

This lighting feature must be turned on manually and should be used in emergencies only. You can use them when stopping your car upon facing any hazard or obstruction. Upon getting enrolled in driving school in Wetherill Park, you will find instructors guiding not use them unnecessarily. 

High and Low Beam Lights:

When buying a car, you will find headlights with 2 different settings, i.e., high-beam and low-beam lights. But when to use them? High-beams are bright centred as opposed to low-beam lights, and they are directed outward while facing the downward direction. Since high-beams can give the blinding effect to the oncoming car, you should use it only when there is no car in front of you. On the other hand, the low beam lights use different bulbs than the high-beam one, so when one blows out, another can function in place of that. Night-time driving, unlit roads etc. are the conditions when you may require high-beam lights.

Break Light Lights:

If you’re about to stop your car, brake light of your can will flash out. You should know when to use and how to maintain them. If you repeatedly tap on your brake lights, it will help you to grab the attention of the road users behind, discarding the possibility of collision. To avoid any penalties, keep checking your brake lights once a week by asking someone to see the indicators behind the car while you will be tapping the brake lights.

Fog Lights:

Many people often confuse which light to use while driving through the fog. However, depending on the thickness of the fog, you can use high or low beams accordingly, but there are fog lights too. The purpose of this fog light is to make you visible to other road users and to improve your visibility as well. In dense fog, the high beams will bounce back and will make it difficult for you to see through the mist. On the other hand, fog light will make you more visible without compromising on your own visibility.

Apart from these 4 lights, daytime driving lights, LED lights bulbs and HID light bulbs can make your drive safer on roads. Search asking “driving school near me” to get to know all such good practices to achieve a license, besides keeping yourself and other drivers safe. Protect such safety lights with headlight covers and taillight.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Checking the Blind Spot: A Quick Overview for Learners

As a driver, it’s quite important to know where the blind spots are for your own as well as other driver’s vehicles. It will help you to protect yourself as well as the people around you while driving. So, how would you know where your blind spots are? Can you point it out for other cars as well?

Well, just having the peripheral vision is not enough to find it out. There are a large number of circumstances you come across while driving, and you need to know that information if you search asking, “driving school lessons near me”. Read out this content to know how to do blind spot monitoring when driving through changing lanes. 

So, what is the blind spot? Blind spots are the sides of your car that can’t be seen through mirrors since it is important to get a clear view of the side sports before changing the lanes. As a result, you may try to turn around physically to look at what is going out there. It takes a shoulder check as well as mirror check make a safe move of the vehicle.

How to tackle with the blind spot?

Whether it is changing or merging lanes, car’s blind spot is the first thing driver should view first. Flip on your turn signal to let other vehicles behind you to know that you’re moving. Ensure a steady grip on your steering wheel while doing such checks, so that you won’t veer out of your lane accidentally. Also, make sure that your rear windows are clear from any sort of obstructions to spare creating blind sports for yourself.

Modern cars come with the anti-collision system, so whenever you are about to park your car, adjust your vehicle in the crowd or running road, you will get a clear signal if anything is there within the chosen distance. However, experts from a driving school in Ryde still recommend to take a quick glance over the shoulder even after having such gadgets.

If you’re coming up next to someone on a highway, don’t linger in another driver’s blind spots that are hidden from the visual field, Especially when they have their turn signal on to switch lanes.

Lastly, not everyone on the road is skilled enough, so apart from counting the turned signals to change the lanes, use your defensive driving skills. Keep a comfortable distance from other vehicles and stay out of other driver’s blind spot.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Challenges Every Driving Instructor Faces in Becoming a Professional

The opportunity of becoming a driving instructor is fantastic. If you have already decided to become one, you should not delay anymore in getting enrolled in the best driving school that offers special career course for the aspiring instructors. However, every job comes with specific challenges, and the position of a driving instructor is full of those.

Here are some of the challenges you might have to face once you enter into the professional zone. Only your self-confidence and skills are going to help you to get over with these challenges successfully.

There are Chances of Car Crashes

Being an instructor, you will be dealing with a situation where you might have to deal with multiple car crashes. Possibly not such big ones where you or your students will get hurt, but there will be cases where you might have to deal with some vehicle damage! So, as the instructor, you have to be alert and mitigate the possibilities of such incidents.

You Have to Deal with Different Attitudes of People

Well, a lot of people come to learn driving, and it's evident that not all of them will be the same. Some might be extremely timid, and some might be too overconfident. When you have decided to become a driving instructor in NSW you have to deal with both types of people without judging them. If you can maintain an excellent attitude to everyone, it will not be difficult for you to train them the way you want.

You Have to be in your Best Mood Every day

There is no place of being cranky. No matter how you are feeling on any particular day (agitated or complex), you ought to be happy and be positive for the sake of your students or learners every single day. That sometimes might pose a challenge for you too hard to overcome, but practice will make you perfect.

You Might have to Know Different Languages

The multilingual instructors certainly have advantages in terms of shaping their career. They are always given priority for the jobs in driving schools. So, if you are already not aware of different languages, it might give you a tough time in achieving quick success. If you have already decided to give a shot to this career opportunity, you must start learning different languages along with your search for ‘driving school near me’ as soon as possible.

Final Words

Challenges will always be there no matter what the job profile is. It will be wise on your part to face every challenge with grace and intellect. The situation can be tricky at times, but it is your skill that will help you to combat all the issues successfully.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

TICK-TOCK: “When’s The Perfect Time For A Practical Driving Exam?”

As per sources, the number of students failing their driving test between 2016-2017 was found to be over 600,000. And though lack of focus during their lessons and overconfidence in whatever learned are prime factors contributing to this stat, another key aspect is picking the wrong time for practising their drive test.

Frankie Johnson- an instructor at a driving school in Parramatta says:

“Each second matters when it comes to performing a driving test and picking the right time of the day can make all the difference between winning or losing.”

He further claims- “ Booking the test early on in the day is the best option as most of your cognitive abilities are highly alert...
...As the day progresses, those abilities tire out, and that’s when drivers make mistakes.”

The Appropriate Time To Practice:

As per a research done by a University in Parramatta- the optimum time of taking a driving test is somewhere around 7 p.m to 9 p.m. This finding was also backed by the DVSA- Driver Vehicle Standard Agency who agreed that practising the driving test between 7 p.m to 9 p.m slot sees a 65.4% pass record.

Similarly, the DVSA- the worst time to take a driving test is somewhere between 11 p.m and 1 p.m- approximately 47%.

Furthermore, Julien Harris, another instructor at a driving school in Castle Hill states:
Taking the slot between 3 p.m to 5 p.m and 5 p.m to 7 p.m sees a low passing % of 49.7% and 49.5% respectively.

Productive Hourly Slots To Focus On:
  • 7 p.m to 8 p.m; the pass rate is 70.8%.
  • 10 a.m to 11 a.m the pass rate is 60.8%.
  • And for the slot between 8 a.m to 9 a.m. the pass rate is approximately 60%

What Causes These Pass Rate Differences?

These specific slots and its pass % proves that one cannot take their drive test at any time of the day. But did it ever occur as to why these pass rate differentiations take place?

Graham Keiser- a test conductor/instructor at a driving school at Silverwater clearly states that-

The evening slot tends to have a high pass rate mainly due to reduced traffic. As opposed to the morning or afternoon time when the streets are very busy and can cause issues to a learner driver, the evening time is more like an after-rush period!

Also, with drivers being able to use headlights during the evening could also cause an increase in their pass % due to those extra indications.

Final Words:

While every learner wants to pass their drive test; one should rely on their driving skills and their instructor to tell them the best time to take the test.

So, without delay, speak to the driving school instructor in Blacktown about the appropriate time. And take note of whatever instructions and guidance they provide. Those will only help one ace their driving test score.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Advantages of Becoming a Driving Instructor in NSW

One of the most lucrative and adventurous ways of leading life has always been, being the boss of your self! That not only gives you the pleasure of not having to work ‘under the supervision' of someone, but it has always paid a rich dividend to people from every profession and every walk of life. The same stands for the profession of a driving instructor.

Here are a few fronts on which you can really enjoy being a driving instructor.

Being THE boss!

Well, it is pretty self-explanatory. You do not have to respond to others' ‘orders' or instructions. Once you have the ticket of a driving instructor, you can launch a business of your own, and get into the making of new masters of wheels.

You can either be a freelance instructor or you can launch your company with a sizeable fleet of cars and other instructors under your supervision if you have the capital or if you can arrange for the loans. Well, that's an extremely lucrative profession - to say the least, before anything else!

You can tweak your working hours

This is one real benefit of being a driving instructor. It saves you from the boredom of working for fixed working hours days in and days out, and at times stretch under the ‘instructions’ of your boss!

You can set your terms of your ‘business hours', which will give you the scope of relishing your personal life, once you have become a driving instructor in NSW. It will reduce your daily stress and strain by a considerable extent. 

Extending your holidays

Taking a note out of the previous point, you can take as much time as you wish to rejuvenate yourself and extend your holidays, so that you can come back afresh, and get back to business in the way you like - not in the way, your ‘boss’ from your driving school in Parramatta will want you to!

It opens an avenue of choices for you

This is another ripper of an advantage of choosing the profession of a driving instructor. You can either take it up as your full-time profession or you can opt to become only a part-time instructor and continue with your primary occupation - unabated, giving driving instructions only when you are free.

This will open up a new avenue of earning for you, helping you economically.

On a lighter note, the profession helps you meet new people, giving you an enormous extent of self-satisfaction, making life adventurous and more colourful.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Brief Driving Safety Guide for P-plate Drivers This Summer

It's finally summertime in Australia, and you must be all prepped up for your summer adventures. 

The excitement is sure to double up if it is a road trip and you have already got your p-plate!

Well, for a leaner who has just got the L plate and yet to get the P-plate must be aware of the primary road safety rules they have to follow while driving. However, even for those who have just got their p-plate, driving in summer becomes challenging.

People stay in a holiday mood. And, according to the seasoned instructors of the driving school in Blacktown, around 10% of the people remain distracted while driving in summer than any other season. And, for the new drivers the confidence (rather overconfidence), the distractions are even more in number.

So, here are some rules that you have to follow to make sure the standards of road safety are appropriately met.

  • Keep your Phone Out of Reach

Mobile phones are always the biggest distraction. While driving, a simple phone call turns out to be a life risk not only for you but the ones who are at the backseat. So, keep your phone out of reach and stow it with the ‘do not disturb’ mode turned on. The temptation of using it may cause a problem that you might not have anticipated.

  • Check the Capability of your Roof Rack

If you are going out for camping this summer, you must be carrying a cycle along with you on the roof of your vehicle. That’s a good idea indeed only if you don’t forget to check the weight and height limit of the roof rack of your car. So, be careful.

  • Don’t Drink and Drive

The most significant offence or safety hazard you can actually do to yourself is driving after getting drunk. Ask your instructor from a driving school in Hornsby, and you will know that according to the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) regulations, any driver above or below 18 years with L or P plate driving license, the rate needs to be 0.00 which means you are not allowed to drink and drive under any circumstances.

There can be a straight case of license cancellation and a considerable amount of fine you ought to bear. And, above all, it is a significant compromise on road safety. So, no matter how much your mates woo you to drink, don't fell in the trap.

Final Words

Remember that problems do not only occur because you were not following the rules or you are distracted. It can happen as a result of the other drivers' casual attitude. But, while on the road in summer, especially on the holidays, you have to be extremely cautious and careful about staying safe.